Tuesday, November 01, 2005

LDS Church Highlighted on Today Show

The TODAY Show began a week-long series on "mysterious faiths". The first on the list is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which I guess is still a mystery for those in New York, the birth place of the church. Here's the video of the interview with the Stake President from New York about the church. Here's a couple quotes from the NY Stake President, followed by my take.

[NY Stake President] "Currently, the LDS faith is the fastest growing religion in the United States with more than 5 of its 12 million members here in the U.S."
[Cliff] The
Stake President is pretty close to the mark. There was a story in the Deseret News a few weeks ago showing that the church is certainly ONE of the fastest growing MAJOR faiths in the United States, but it isn't necessarily THE fastest growing of this group. I would imagine that some small religion, say 2 people just had another 2 join last year. That would give them 100% growth rate per annum, something we definitely do not have. There's a lot of room for people to challenge that broad statement. Nonetheless, the point is that the church is growing very fast.

[NY Stake President] "We worship God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ with Christ being the head of the Church. Christ restored his original church through Joseph Smith who we revere, but don't worship him...we look at Joseph as a prophet that existed in ancient times...Moses, Abraham, Isaiah
[Cliff] The editing is not doing the Stake President justice. I didn't catch anything in the videoed interview that made Joseph Smith sound like a reincarnated prophet that existed in ancient times. That, of course, is plain false.

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