Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A built in weather tower for water readings

Science is about asking the why's and wherefore's. For example, why does a narwhal have such a long tusk coming out from under its mouth? I've always thought it was for some macho thing like fighting for a mate, but then why do the females have it? Well, it turns out that this is a unique organ for detecting the slightest changes in the aquatic environment, such as ever so slight changes in salinity. As amazing as that finding is, the question now is why would a Narwhal need to know if the barametric pressure is rising or if salinity levels are dropping?

It is hypothesized that it may be an arctic mechanism to tell it if ice is freezing in the area. I would have thought seeing the ice with their eyes or feeling the water like the rest of their cousins would be good enough. This opens a whole lot more questions.


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