Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Prez responds quickly

I wrote the piece below late last night about how the president needed to take the lead from President Pierre Nkurunziza in conserving government spending on fuel and cars. What I didn’t realize is just how quickly President Bush would respond to my concerns. Within 16 hours, Scott McLellan announced that the White House will begin conserving energy. They will send out memos to staff to conserve on fuel, use fewer government vehicles, turn off office lights, computers and printers when not in use. This little memo below had the president and staffs respond within hours. I mean, I just started blogging yesterday. But thanks for listening, Mr. President. Since I now have your attention, Mr. President, how about really cutting government expenditure?

Below is my original web log and was posted on Monday, September 26, 2005 at 11:37 p.m.
Judging from this article, there is at least one political leader in this great big world of ours who can reign in government spending, er, well at least this one time. Burundi's President Pierre Nkurunziza has told ministers to stop orders for government SUVs in a drive to cut costs. I like Nkurunziza's attitude. Our president and his party of "small government and fiscal responsibility" could take lessons from Burundi's prez.

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