Monday, September 26, 2005

Utah rumors of evacuees debunked

The Utah Attorney General used scare tactics of the worst kind, while not having his facts right. I heard Mark Shurtleff ring the alarm of fear about our evacuees from New Orleans on public radio, making the point over and over that there were dozens of convicted murderers living among the roughly 600 move-ins at Camp Williams. His facts were so wrong that 24 hours later he had to recant. What little political face the AG had remaining, he tried to preserve by saying that there weren't many but insisting there were at least some. Our AG seems particularly wary of a certain kind of stranger. This whole episode reminds me of the story of a senile state senator, who one afternoon saw a toy buffalo set on a platform in front of the state capital. Not understand the perspective he was seeing it from nor noticing the sticker flags on the toy, he thought the 3 inch toy was actually a monstrous two-ton bull. He screamed hysterically during the most solemn part of the congressional meeting to terminate the session immediately because the buffalo in Salt Lake were stampeding right through that same grand room. And what became of that senator? For his lack of perspective and judgement, the unfortunate senator was shortly retired from office. (Photo by Andy McAlister, UK via

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