Sunday, February 26, 2006

Iosepa, the Colony for Hawaiian Saints in Utah

A man and his dog – few things in life get much better than the loyalty and friendship of one’s dog. Humankind has done well in taming and domesticating the wolf for our purposes. We certainly knew what attributes we liked.

I took my dog Lani out for a very long walk Saturday afternoon -- 75 miles long. I drove her to play in the wilderness around the ghost town of Iosepa, a Mormon colony of Hawaiians located in Skull Valley.

This is a photo of Lani amidst what is left of the colony’s homes, described in letters and talks as a Utah paradise. Having grown up in Hawaii, I can tell you that this place ain’t my definition of paradise. Having our family dog here helps liven up the desolation though.

My dog’s Hawaiian name, which means Heaven, gives away my roots and interests. It’s here at this ghost town that many of my interests intersect -- Hawaiian, Mormon, the taming of the West and Utah. What more could I ask of a place?

And the town of Iosepa is full of mysteries – but more on this later. I don’t quite know what to think of this place and its history. I’m going to sit on it for a day or so and then write what I’ve found.

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