Sunday, March 19, 2006

Grey Winter Day in Spring

It was another snowy day in Spring today with low hanging snow clouds hiding the tops of the skyscrapers downtown.

Poor old Angel Moroni on his perch atop the Salt Lake Temple had his head in the clouds this afternoon as I drove past.

Another heavy snow warning is predicted this evening.

Snow, snow - I do fear
Come again another year

Speaking of snow, here's a quote from Brigham Young regarding snow and the coming Utah War of '57 that came up when I searched the term "snow" in GospeLink 2001. Federal troops were marching on Utah to depose duly-elected Governor Young and to get the territory to tow the line on the federal government's definition of marriage. This is just a few short years before the war of the states broke out in 1861.
"They say that their army is legal, and I say that such a statement is as false as hell, and that they are as rotten as an old pumpkin that has been frozen seven times and then melted in a harvest sun. Come on with your thousands of illegally-ordered troops, and I will promise you, in the name of Israel's God, that you shall melt away as the snow before a July sun."
(President Brigham Young, remarks in the Bowery, Great Salt Lake City, Sunday Morning, September 13, 1857.)

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