Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Camp Floyd photo

No. This is not my home. My home, for one thing, has more windows. The wood looks like the same vintage though.

The photo above is another that I shot of structures at Camp Floyd, Utah. Whatever happened to Camp Floyd? The Secretary of War in whom it was named, John B. Floyd, stepped down after accusations of graft. Besides, he soon followed the Confederacy (so a job in the Lincoln cabinet was out of the question.) The camp changed its name, and the troops were called back to east to fight in the Civil War.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One rather significant adjustment is needed. Secretary Floyd stepped down not because of the unsubstantiated accusations of graft, but because of the move of troops from Ft. Moultrie to Ft. Sumter, which the government had assured the Carolinians they wouldn't do. It was over dishonor, and not his own.
