Friday, October 14, 2005

Noodles came from China, duh!

Italians are known for them and theories suggest they may have originated in the Middle East but scientists said Wednesday the world's oldest known noodles, dating back 4,000 years, were made in China.

HEY. I could have told the world that for free. So could all of my Chinese friends. History books there say that Marco Polo brought back noodles from his journey to China. In other words, Romans didn't eat spaghetti. Any Chinese school kid knows that. Duh!

Above is a photograph of the noodle findings. They look more like dead tape worms to me. I think we deserve a second opinion on this finding. [via Reuters: Oddly Enough. Photo by Julian Hecht via stock.xchng]


Ronan said...

Cliff, this is a great blog. I haven't seen you around the Bloggernacle yet (but then again, who can keep track of these things). Muscle your way in and there may be an island for you at the Mormon Archipelago.

Cliff said...

Thanks. I'll do just that.

I'm having a lot of fun with blogging.

taty said...

"Romans didn't eat spaghetti. Any Chinese school kid knows that. Duh!"

Also every Italian knows that Marco Polo ate them in China first and that Romans (the "modern" Romans, of course) didn't eat spaghetti and tomato sauce until Cristoforo Colombo discovered America!!!

(an Italian "sister")!!!